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Prescription for Purpose - P4P

This signature program allows you to create your desired future and make it a reality.



My exciting signature program Prescription

For Purpose (P4P) is designed to get you back to walking the path you should be and living a life of purpose again. 

It will take you from your current reality to your desired reality. From where you are to what you want. 


I will work with you over the course of 13 sessions in person or video chat. P4P breaks down the method on how to get you living the life you want. The schedule is set out below.


Book now for a FREE 30-minute consultation, my treat. Be all you should be.


Goals - Where we get to understand what drives the client and set inspiring goals that form the basis of the ongoing coaching programme.


Resources and milestones -  Builds on the goals setting theme by exposing clients to the twin motivators, namely pleasure and pain.  The process of breaking goals into more manageable milestones and small but important action steps follows.


Beliefs - Central to bringing about change is coming to terms with one’s beliefs, how they develop, why they don’t always serve you, how to eradicate beliefs that are not empowering and how to instil new positive beliefs that can be highly motivating and assist with achieving what it is one truly wants from life.


​Motivation - Central to bringing about change is coming to terms with one’s beliefs, how they develop, why they don’t always serve you, how to eradicate beliefs that are not empowering and how to instil new positive beliefs that can be highly motivating and assist with achieving what it is one truly wants from life. 


Session 5- 6 is what makes people tick


Values - looks at the issue of values in some detail, going to the heart of what drives people and how they distinguish what is ‘good’ from what is not. It explores how values provide a directional compass for the individual and how, sometimes, the compass can become ‘confused’ when there are conflicts between positive values and ‘anti-values’.


Rules - the rules people ascribe for themselves. We will look at the client's rules for feeling good and bad.


Human Needs – Which ones do you need to be met?  we tackle the issue of human needs and how people go about meeting those needs in different ways – ways that may seem quite acceptable to some and completely out of place to others


Communication and projection -  Perceptions of other people are moulded by the perceptions we have of ourselves. It starts with revisiting the model of change covered in Part Two and then goes on to show how powerful and effective the art of communication can be in helping us to achieve our goals and dreams. It deals with why so many of us sabotage our interests with the way that we communicate as we seek to justify our inadequate actions or lay blame on others for our shortcomings.


Responsibility- Cause and effect – Are you at cause or are you at effect.


Questions – the answer to everything. 


Long term goals – what would you love to do? - Dealing with the Mega Goals. Purpose – your true meaning.  Writing Purpose statements.


Celebration – A recap of the journey and where are you now.

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